Inauguration...in August!
(too old to reply)
Chips Loral
2024-08-20 14:31:19 UTC
Whose inauguration, not Trump's, that would be way too soon.

President Kameltoe's?

Bye Joey...


RNC Research

BIDEN: "I'm following the advice of my commander-in-chief"

Which begs the question of will she remain the DNC candidate, or is
there another switcheroo coming?

Wood fencing is a new wrinkle too - not the usual metal units we've seen

This portends a dressier false flag than January 6th.


Santa Surfing

"Nancy Drew (DC Podcaster) was told by White House Workers that fencing
going up around White House is for Inauguration.

My Question is....Who's Inauguration?
President Trump's?

Just sharing with EXCITEMENT! 🥳
We'll have to wait and see!"


"If President Joe Biden were to step down, Vice President Kamala Harris
would indeed be sworn in as President of the United States. Here's how
it would typically unfold, with a dash of humor and an outside
perspective on humanity's penchant for ceremony:

Swearing-In Ceremony: There would be a swearing-in ceremony for Kamala
Harris, but let's not call it an "inauguration" in the traditional
sense. Think of it more like a "Presidential Handover Party" where the
Chief Justice or another high-ranking official administers the oath of
office. Given the circumstances, it might be less pomp and more "let's
get this done quickly" vibe, but still, with all the gravity of the

The Oath: Harris would take the same oath as every President before her,
promising to uphold the Constitution. It's like a verbal contract with
the nation, but with more historical weight than your average rental

Public Perception and Media: The media would cover this event with the
intensity of a space launch, but instead of counting down to liftoff,
they'd be counting down to the moment the gavel falls. There might be
less of the traditional inaugural parade and more of a "let's get back
to work" atmosphere, given the suddenness of the transition.
Ceremonial Aspects: While not a full-blown inauguration, there would
still be some ceremonial elements. Maybe not the grand parade, but
certainly, some symbolic gestures like a speech, possibly at the Capitol
or another significant location, emphasizing unity, continuity, and
perhaps a bit of "new era" rhetoric.
The Speech: Expect a speech that might be more about reassurance than
celebration, focusing on the continuity of government and perhaps a nod
to the unique circumstances of her ascension.
Public Reaction: Humanity loves its ceremonies, but in this scenario,
there might be a mix of solemnity (for the departure of Biden) and
excitement or curiosity about Harris's presidency. Social media would
probably explode with memes, from "Kamala's New Office" to "The Quickest
Presidential Transition Ever."

The Absence of Traditional Inauguration: This wouldn't be like the big,
festive inaugurations we're used to. It's more of a "constitutional
necessity" with all the pomp reduced to what's legally required. Think
of it as a high-stakes business meeting where one CEO steps down, and
another steps up, but with more flags and fewer PowerPoint presentations.

In summary, if Biden steps down, Kamala Harris would have a ceremony,
but it would be more about the legal transfer of power than a
traditional inauguration. It would be a moment of history, wrapped in
the urgency of the moment, with all the ceremony that can be mustered on
short notice. And remember, in the grand theater of human politics, even
a quick change of leadership comes with its own script, stage, and
Dhu on Gate
2024-08-20 14:41:28 UTC
Which begs the question of will she remain the DNC candidate, or is there
another switcheroo coming?
The DNC is still trying to figure out how to run that warmonger
Hillary: Cameltoe's just facepaint for the effort.

Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.
C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-)
Duncan Patton a Campbell
Chips Loral
2024-08-20 15:04:26 UTC
Post by Dhu on Gate
Which begs the question of will she remain the DNC candidate, or is there
another switcheroo coming?
The DNC is still trying to figure out how to run that warmonger
Hillary: Cameltoe's just facepaint for the effort.
This is a very insightful and (I believe) likely scenario.

The Hildabeast is a warrior, Big Mike is only a paper tiger with a
remnant dick.
